The spacing is 24" on center and the roofing is fastened to the sheeting.
This shows foil insulation installed between the sheeting and the roofing.
The siding in this picture has no foil.
This shows the 8' on center 6x6 poles, the 2x8 treated "skirt" at the ground, and the 2x4 purlins that are 24" on center for the wall framing for the siding.
This shows the double "plate" that holds the trusses and the 2x6 bearing block that is nailed to the poles just under the plate and the truss ties that are used to connect the trusses to the plate.
Every other truss connects to and sets directly on top of the pole.
Where the truss connects to the pole, the pole is cut as needed for proper spacing of the trusses.
The 6x6 truss tie is sandwiched between the double plate and fastened with nails from each side. The truss or rafter is nailed to the ties.
This shows the trusses resting on the double plate, which rests on the pole/bearing block.
The trusses are nailed to the ties/poles.
Looking to have a builing built in Montvale. At storage for tractor, Lawn mower, implements...
Maybe an attached shed. Do you have some plans you have done to look at?
Greg Leslie
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